Pickens Presbyterian Church is seeking a part-time Choir Director & a Part-Time Pianist.
The choir is composed of 12-15 members who lead the worship through hymns, anthems and service responses. The Choir director is also responsible for the prelude, offertory, doxology, and postlude.
The Worship Committee is searching for a person with strong music skills through a music degree as well as some experience in church worship services. Hours would include Wednesday evening one-hour choir rehearsals, Sunday morning warm-up and choir rehearsal time, and worship service.
Pickens Presbyterian Church is located at 311 West Main Street, Pickens, South Carolina, 29671. Please call (864) 878-9422, ext. 2 with interest, questions, or to request additional information.
For position descriptions use the following links:
Please email a resume to pickenspres@bellsouth.net or dtorrey219@gmail.com.