The ASHers Sunday School class enjoys intensive scriptural Bible studies and have used the Lifeguide Bible study and the Crossway Knowing the Bible series. Members share opinions and feelings and somehow manage to laugh a lot, as well as learn and grow together. Marvin Short leads the discussion.
The ASHers Class are currently meeting in the Session Room in the east side hallway off of the Sanctuary.
The Seekers Sunday School class is a discussion class that rotates through Bible studies, theological works, and studies about living as Christians in the world. The group has studied curriculum covering the Gospel of Luke, and Holy Envy by Barbara Brown Taylor. The discussions are led by various members of the class. Participants enjoy challenging ideas and diverse perspectives.
The Seekers meet in the church Parlor in the west side hallway off of the Sanctuary. They are currently studying a discussion of “Sermons, Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living “ by Rev. Peter J. Gomes. The discussions will be led by some of the class members.